Friday, January 16, 2009


We always appreciate good looks, sexy bodies, smooth feelings and nice words.  Yet, we never know what behind those superficial admiration.  We often get hurt by people who uses their wisdom and beauty and in the end hurt us.  The true question is why do we fall for them? Why do we fall for those unreal feelings?  Do we have the capability of knowing the truth behind those beautiful facade that we see on those people?
We often fall for beautiful, handsome and good looking faces.  We say that a good looking human being can never do harm to other human being.  We always connote beautiful faces with a good and kind heart.  We even curse those unfortunate enough to have the so called ugly faces.  We always denote them as monsters yet they are as good as angels.  Why do we only see the physical aspect of human being or even to a non living.
Not just the eyes that has a problem.  Even the ears could be fooled.  We always listen to charming angelic voices.  We think that a person has an appealing looks when we hear their voices, yet the truth is they're not.  Why do we have these senses that can be fooled by reality?
We cry cause we're hurt, fooled and deceived.  We never thought that it is also our own mistake.  We let deceptions come in our way.  Believed for those promises that were never granted.   Fooled by those broken vows.  Blinded for those gorgeous looking bodies and faces.  Hope for those looping lies.  Suffer in our own insanity for those betrayals.
But we always have an option, whether be a deceiver or a deceivee.  In this world we really have to play harder!
Note: I know there's no such word as deceiver or deceivee.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Funny moments -- call center life

Just wanna share some unforgettable moments working as a call center agent. I know some of them will not be so funny since not all can relate hehehe saonz.
agent: opening spiel... my name is GIOZE! 
cust: What?! what was your name again? 
agent: its GIOZE ma'am! 
cust: Can you spell it out?\ 
agent: sure! no problem! g - for george, i - for india, 0 - for oscar... actually ma'am my name is Bryan!
just a little background cust should see a red circle or a red ball on her desktop. 
agent: okay sir! in order for us to activate your program is we need to open the main console! 
cust: okay but how do i do that? 
agent: thats simple all you need to do is double left click on its icon. the RED BULL icon 
cust: well i've been using your product for so many years but I never thought that its icon is a RED BULL!
cust: i want to download your program. how do i do that? agent: well all you need to do is CLINK! 
cust; what? 
agent: click the link ma'am
cust: okay my serial number is AVEF-xxxxxxxx 
agent: thank you for that information ma'am. let verify that one is it A- for victory?
cust: oh my god! my computer just turned blue (BSOD) 
agent: oh! don't worry sir! its just a little stress 
cust: oh really?  
agent: yes! all you need to do is turn off your computer and wait for about 24 hours! 
cust: okay! sure I will give my computer a rest! thank you so much for your help! 
agent: your welcome! closing spiel
cust is talking how cold their temperature is 
cust: its good for you, your in the philippines, in my place its actually -5 degrees Celsius  
agent: NOH?! i mean really!
agent is assisting cust on how to delete an entry to the registry 
agent: okay ma'am I need you to find that specific entry 
cust: well can you read it to me so that I will not go back and fort to my emaiL? 
agent: sure! its my pleasure to serve you!
the entry was
HKCU\..\Run: [Philips Intelligent Agent] "C:\Program Files\Philips Intelligent Agent\Philips Intelligent Agent.exe" /SILENT 
and the agent starts
agent: okay ma'am its H-for hotel k-for kilo c-for charlie... and so on! it lasted for 30 minutes
agent is about to close the call 
agent: okay sir before I let you go may i gave you your ticket number? 
cust: sure go ahead 
agent: okay so its www..... 
cust: oh! i tot its a number!
cust is trying to build rapport 
cust: you know what? i'm so happy that you're here to help me! i was very frustrated. but you are my angel my hero! I can still remember when I first saw my husband! He was like superman! how bout you? have you been inlove? 
agent: ahuh! 
cust: very interesting...
cust is very irate and never let the agent to talk 
cust: your program s*cks! f*ck! (and all the bad words he needs to say) cust: may i know where are you located? (shouting) 
agent: I'm from I-R-A-N sir! so can i talk now? 
cust: oh yes! sorry go ahead sir! your the boss!
cust: your program! messed up my computer! after I install it I can't access to multiply! 
agent: are you connected to you internet sir? 
cust: am no?! do I have to be connected to the internet?
that's all! i'll try to collate more funny moments and post it on my blog!


An old man turned ninety-eight 
He won the lottery and died the next day 
It's a black fly in your Chardonnay 
It's a death row pardon two minutes too late 
Isn't it ironic ... don't you think 
It's like rain on your wedding day 
It's a free ride when you've already paid 
It's the good advice that you just didn't take 
Who would've thought ... it figures 
It's a traffic jam when you're already late 
It's a no-smoking sign on your cigarette break 
It's like ten thousand spoons when all you need is a knife
                                                            -IRONIC -- Alanis Morissett-
Just Like the song I started my year very Ironic.  I tried to fix all my short comings in my life -- studies, work and family.  I almost drop all my subjects since I was absent for almost a month and has lost my hope in passing it.  It was my classmates and friends who encourage me to pursue it.  So, I decided to continue my studies.  I planned that after my shift I will go to school and ask permission to my teachers for me to come in their class.   Before my shift ends, our TL(team lead) scolded us for our very low performance.  It never happened before since our team was the best performer ever!  He pointed that major problem of our team is our absenteeism and I was one the best agent for absenteeism.  He mentioned that if ever we're bored with our work (that's always my complaint) and tired, we should quit!  It strikes me to the boooonnneess talaga! TAGUS!
Well, I have to make it right!  So, I studied all the lessons that I missed in class (study to the max).  Memorize all the answer keys  so that I could pass for the prelim exam.  I went to my classmate's house to ask some notes.  We went to school together and I really felt that its day first day of class.  I was nervous and everything, just like a freshman going to his first day of class in college(feeler?).  Anyways I was able to study all the things I need and I was confident that I could answer all the questions.
And what can I say, I've wasted all my efforts.  No teachers were around, all I did was sit and chat with my classmates.  In short NO CLASS at all.  Its kinda sad that I've wasted my efforts of coming to school and studying for the exam.  One of my classmates said that why is it if I'm around there's no class and she even thank me for that. Haizt!  Isn't it ironic or what?  I didn't lose hope since my class will end at 7:00 o'clock.  So, I thought my programming teacher would come.  I've waited untill 6 pm but it was a bad idea!  NO CLASS. =(
I went home and took my rest.  I just said to myself that there's always a so called next time.  Then, I went to sleep and I really believe that was another bad idea.  I woke around 1 am and my shift starts at 9 pm.  Another AWOL!  My TL just pointed that no one should be absent anymore even a half day AWOL and I just did!  I went to work, embarrased.  My teamates look at me as if I am the most sinfull man on earth.  =( 
Now, I'm still trying to change but I hope that it would not be so ironic this time.  As what the song said "Life has a funny way of sneaking up on youLife has a funny, funny way of helping you out, Helping you out "  I believe that there's something good for me to come.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Sea [s/eh/y/ah] 'n dada

“Babies has the ability to ease your pain and hardship during work hours.  When you see them smile it’s like you’ve been touch by an angel.”
         I really hate babies and kids before.  I used to hide myself from them.  I get irritated whenever I see one.  Come’n kids and babies are very annoying all they do is cry and ask for an attention.  I really hate those scenarios.  I didn’t even think that I would be a father, I don’t wanna be a father!
         Now, things has change.  I don’t know what has got into me why I suddenly like babies. God, maybe because I’m 21 years old ang growing older? Hey I wanna see little faces of me hehehe.  Not to mention whos going to be my wife.  Will I have a wife?  Only time would tell, since I’ve been a victim of love for so many times. emo? (emoral)
         Last Friday I visited my long lost friend, I think it been 6 months already, in her house.  Although I know that she has a baby already, named Seane Gwyneth, but I never though that I would be very happy to see her.  It’s kinda lukso ng dugo thing? haha bisag dili jud related hehehe.  Well Em2x my friend use to tell me that I would be the dada of her baby, I never mind at all besides its just a name.  
         What could I say? The first time I saw sea’s [s/eh/y/ah] face wow! wow lng hehe.  I just wish that were blood or paper related hahaha.  Well at least her mom is my friend so I could pretend to be his dada hehehe.  I just promised to myself that I’ll take good care of my baby sea. haizt.

Self Inflection

“Tell me how you could not think of something that changed every bit of you?”

This was once said by my friend when I told him to stop thinking of the person who hurt him.  Sounds dramatic but for me its funny.  Can a man really change another man?  Or it is just a self inflection?  Do we an option?

These questions run into my head after he said that.  Personally, I don’t believe that as a human being you can changed another human being.  For example in a boy girl relation or what so ever, they always say that, that guy or gal changed me. Did the persion really change you? Or you’ve change because you wanted to? You’ve change because you wanted to get their attention whether it is for your own good or not.

There are really factors that will make us change but it doesn’t mean that we have to change because of those factors.  I believe that we always have the option to choose for ourselves.  You can never stop a drug addict to use illegal drugs not unless he chooses to stop by his own.  No matter how many rehabs he take you can’t do anything about it.  He has to decide for hisself whether to change or not, not unless if his insane already that his brain could no longer function to decide.  For me as long as you still have the sanity you could always have the freedom.  

Everything that we feel and think are all self inflicted.  We feel the pain because we think about it.  We change because we wanted to, we wanted to get somebody’s attention and appreciation.  We feel sad because we dwell in the past or to the factors that causes it.  There’s no such way that another human being could tell you what you should feel or change you.  It always start from our selves if we are willing to accept the factors that we need to change or feel then we are going to change or feel it.

Note this is just an opinion.