Friday, January 16, 2009


We always appreciate good looks, sexy bodies, smooth feelings and nice words.  Yet, we never know what behind those superficial admiration.  We often get hurt by people who uses their wisdom and beauty and in the end hurt us.  The true question is why do we fall for them? Why do we fall for those unreal feelings?  Do we have the capability of knowing the truth behind those beautiful facade that we see on those people?
We often fall for beautiful, handsome and good looking faces.  We say that a good looking human being can never do harm to other human being.  We always connote beautiful faces with a good and kind heart.  We even curse those unfortunate enough to have the so called ugly faces.  We always denote them as monsters yet they are as good as angels.  Why do we only see the physical aspect of human being or even to a non living.
Not just the eyes that has a problem.  Even the ears could be fooled.  We always listen to charming angelic voices.  We think that a person has an appealing looks when we hear their voices, yet the truth is they're not.  Why do we have these senses that can be fooled by reality?
We cry cause we're hurt, fooled and deceived.  We never thought that it is also our own mistake.  We let deceptions come in our way.  Believed for those promises that were never granted.   Fooled by those broken vows.  Blinded for those gorgeous looking bodies and faces.  Hope for those looping lies.  Suffer in our own insanity for those betrayals.
But we always have an option, whether be a deceiver or a deceivee.  In this world we really have to play harder!
Note: I know there's no such word as deceiver or deceivee.


  1. nose bleed mn pud tah! I don't think there's such person who is deceivee or deceiver. All I know is that, we are deceived by our own eyes..hehehe...Looks can be deceiving after all.
